The Bot supports the International, Indonesian, Russian and Brazilian
versions of PW. It also
supports all private servers which use the
1.4.5, 1.4.4 or 1.3.6 client.
Perfect World Bot is not one of these poorly coded 20 minute Bots which
will get you banned fast. It does not change any game files, it does
not mess with your account and is completely undetected. It has several
protection functions which checksum the client and see if it's safe to
use. If not, the bot warns you. It will also not dumbly press hotkeys
like other bots - the Perfect World OrangeBot will check the
requirements for each action and only execute an action if you can do
so. This way the developers do not see a mindless stream of packets
being sent. That being said, the bot does not press any hotkeys at all -
you can chat while botting, minimize the bot without unfreezing, and
still have total control!
The Perfect World Bot can automate every aspect of your leveling or coin
grinding progress. Select the monsters you wish for the bot to attack,
either by Name or just a certain ID, and press start. That's all it
needs to get the most basic things running. It will now choose the most
optimal mobs in your surroundings, by distance and HP. The Bot also
offers far more advanced options then other bots, and executes every
operation safely via means of memory.
Full vitals Support
Perfect World Bot offers event driven vital support for your character.
The bot can use MP/HP pots, Event items, Elixirs, and skills to heal
HP/MP. You can add unlimited vital events,and all will be processed and
evaluated. The vitals intelligence checks if pots or skills are on
cooldown prior to using them, so there will be no useless and dangerous
pot fail spam, which could alert a developer to the fact that you are
botting. If it cannot use the skill or pot you set up, then it does not
attempt to.
Full pet support
Perfect World Bot comes with the most optimized support for your
venomancer or mystic pet out there. You can let bot heal, feed,
resurrect, call and stow your pet depending on what's the best in the
current situation. For example, it will recall your pet when it returns
from buying potions or selling. You can also make the bot wait for the
pet to attack first, before your character does - this makes botting
less risky. Along with the option to heal your pet to full HP after each
fight, the Bot can ressurect your pet when it dies.
Gathering and Farming
bot can also, along with gathering what a mob drops, farm materials
which spawn around. All types of materials will automatically be
gathered if bot detects them in perimeter. You can also tell bot to
exclude certain items. For example, you may perfer it to not pick up
arrows - no problem, add it to the item pick blacklist, and it's done.
The bot will not attempt to gather quest materials for which you do not
have the quest, so there are no useless gather attempts.
Perfect World Bot can interact with ingame NPCs. It can buy potions,
sell items, and repair. it is possible to sell items in groups, such as
DQ and Weapons/Armor. In order to travel to the NPCs, the Bot will fly
to whatever NPC you specified within the bot. Selecting which one suits
you the best is easy - all information about the NPC is displayed to
Perfect World Bot can react to several events, for example timed item
use, item/skill use after kill, heal events and pickup events. This is
definable in bot and helps to make the Bot do exactly what you wish for
it to do. For example, if you wish to bot oracles, then you just have to
tell the bot to use the oracle after each fight, and what oracle mob to
kill. Thats it! The bot will now kill the quest monster, and use Oracle
book afterwards.
Continuity/Back on death
Did your character die? That's no problem. The Perfect World Bot will go
back to town, rest until your vitals are fully restored, and then fly
back to where you started botting. No more hassle with checking if bot
is dead - the Bot does it for you fully automatically.
Open Scripting API
Perfect World Bot is scriptable. This means that you will be able to
write your own scripts for the Bot in order to quickly implement new
features which you wish. There are numerous sample scripts included, and
other users can help you with scripting if you need a certain one.
Scripting enables, for example, mass opening of all sorts of packs, such
as mysterious chip packs for rank equipment,combining shards, gathering
of materials, ... everything you can do ingame is also possible with